5 Ways to Fight Impossible Giants.


In our battle against infertility, Tia and I made some key decisions. I think anyone trying to kill a giant right now can copy our blueprint, even if you’re not facing infertility.

1. We went public with our struggle.

Satan loves to keep people stuck in the shadows of shame. Whenever people asked me about kids, I’d “proudly” state that we were battling with infertility and that our miracle children were on the way. What Satan meant as an opportunity for embarrassment and shame I turned into a chance to verbally declare God’s promises. Go public!

10% to 15% of couples in the United States are infertile. Many Christian couples who are experiencing infertility are not vocal about their struggle because they are ashamed. But with any struggle or burden we face, we must share it. It’s your story and your testimony. You shouldn't feel ashamed to share it with others because it will build both your faith and the faith of those you share it with.

2. We embraced this principle: “You cannot go where you refuse to sow.”

Therefore we started blessing parents. Free babysitting. Planning baby showers for friends. In 2019, Tia organized our church’s entire Mother’s Day celebration and I did the same for Father’s Day.

You reap what you sow.
You reap where you sow.
You reap after you sow.
You reap more than you sow.

Remember these four laws of sowing and reaping because it applies to more than just tithing and money. We sowed in the lives of parents because we wanted to be parents. Invest in your goal. Sow good seed. Surround yourself with those who inspire you and gain wisdom from them. Put your faith into practice by blessing those you admire while also learning from them.

3. Tia and I prepared as if God said “YES” even though life and doctors were saying “NO.”

We moved out of our apartment. We bought a house with a baby room. Bought a crib. Bought onesies in the airport of almost every speaking engagement I went on.

Faith without works is dead, fam.

I felt like an idiot buying a crib at Target when doctors said we were infertile. I felt like I was wasting money. I felt crazy when I prayed in that bedroom with the empty crib. I felt awkward buying onesies to be honest. Then I realized, what I was feeling was faith and I embraced the crazy! Faith will have you doing crazy things—things that don’t make sense in the moment but that prepare you for the very thing you are believing God for.

4. We used Scripture to strengthen our faith during challenging times.

I found several passages of Scripture where God promises fertility. Passages like Psalm 113:9 and Acts 2:39 and Psalm 127:3-5 became our anchor. I steered clear of promises intended for ancient Israel though! We can't abuse scripture and claim biblical promises. Context matters.

Whatever you're believing God for, please remember that “faith comes by hearing the word of God.” Our faith isn't anchored by the strength of our imagination or our desires but by the power of God’s word. Faith must be anchored by Scripture. His Word never returns void!

5. Instead of petitioning or asking God for kids, Tia and I prayed this way:

1. Prophesying and speaking kids into existence. Prophecy = prayer

2. Praise! Whenever Satan attacked me with doubt, I’d confuse the Enemy by thanking God for children

Praise and prophecy are more powerful than petition. Most people make petition their only form of prayer. But you need other tools for a complete prayer life. Speaking in tongues. Fasting. Praise. Prophecy. Tandem/Agreement. Utilize all the prayer tools you’ve been given. Our fight to get pregnant forced me to learn how to pray and I’m grateful for that.

Tia and I’s blueprint put us in a position to overcome infertility. And regardless of what struggle you may be facing or what battle you may be fighting, this blueprint can help you overcome your giant.



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