What I think about sending nudes.

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So, let’s talk about sending nudes. Please, don’t act brand new. You know what nudes are.

Let me just start out by making one thing EXTREMELY clear:

If you’re married, please partake in the ministry of nudes.

Send them to your spouse.
Receive them from your spouse.
Request them from your spouse.
Collect them from your spouse.
Seriously, have a blast.

If you are married you SHOULD be sending nudes to your husband or wife.

BUT… For all my single/unmarried folks

If you are not married, then you can share your Instagram posts. You can do photo dumps. You can send screenshots of text convos. So many options. However, none of these options include nudes.

In fact, if you are a minor (under 18 years old) and another teenager sends you nudes, it is technically child pornography. I’m not kidding. I have seen teenagers get in serious trouble for something they thought wasn’t that serious.

More importantly, much more importantly, your body is a temple. Your body is holy. Your body has worth and value. The way you honor yourself is the number one indicator to teach others how to value and honor you.

Low Supply = High Demand

Lastly, here’s a rule for every area of life: low supply always equals high demand. Ladies, men are turned on by mystery and intrigue. Men only value what they work to attain. Nobody cares when they lose something they got for free.

Because when a dude says, I love you, you need to tell him: prove it. God demonstrated His love in this while we were still sinners, Christ died for me. If God can demonstrate love, booboo, you need to demonstrate love.

You love me? Prove it.
You love me? Keep your hands off me.
You love me? Don’t touch me inappropriately.
You love me? Don’t ask me to send you nudes.
You love me? Get good grades so you can get a job.
You love me? Talk to my parents about dating me.
You love me? Be accountable to somebody.
You love me? You don’t love me­–you love yourself. You love your flesh.

Because if someone loves you, you cannot trust that until you test that. God does not trust what He has not tested. Stop being disappointed and frustrated with God, He is testing you.

I paid a lot for the nudes my wife sends me. They are top dollar nudes, fam. I bought this woman a ring, a car, and a house. Flowers. Dates. These nudes are costing me half my net worth. What are you worth? That question must be answered.



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